A garden alive with mystery! Overgrown and forgotten for centuries, except by the sheep-herders who grazed their flocks among the statues, the Park of Monsters was rediscovered by Salvador Dali. Creatures carved from the living rock seemed to spring from the unconscious … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2015
My traveling shoes are ready. . . .
My traveling shoes are ready! Looking at photos from our February 2015 retreat, I remember our anticipation and excitement when we arrived in Rome. The kindness of strangers provided this photo of us surrounded by our supplies for the retreat. … Continue reading
In the mouth of the monster. . . .
In the mouth of the monster. . . . Creative duality. Opposites opening up options. Beauty and terror, light and darkness, opening and closing. Do our fears swallow us or do we use our inner strength to find a … Continue reading